While MARM 2020 has been terminated, we thank our sponsors and exhibitors for their support.

Exposition & Sponsorship

Dear Potential MARM 2020 Exhibitors: 

     The New York Section of the American Chemical Society (NYACS) is hosting the 48th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM 2020) on Friday, June 12, 2020. It will be held at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, located in the center of Manhattan at 365 5th Avenue, across from the Empire State Building, and two blocks east of Penn Station. 

      We invite your organization to take advantage of the benefits of MARM 2020 as an Exhibitor. This is the opportunity to connect with chemists, biochemists and science educators in the Middle Atlantic Region of the ACS, from Washington, DC, to New York, NY. The MARM 2020 theme is “Chemistry in Focus”. The meeting will highlight the areas of flavor and fragrance, cosmetic, forensic, life science, materials science, and environmental chemistry. We anticipate 250 attendees from academia, government, industry, and K-12 education. Your presence will maximize your visibility with attendees including decision makers and prospective workforce employees. 

      Included in your sponsorship are:

      Exhibit areas located in a high traffic area to ensure a steady stream of attendees to frequentyour display. The exhibit hall will be immediately adjacent to the registration area, postersession, lunch area, refreshment area, and technical session.

     A 5-ft rectangular table and two chairs.

     Exhibit spaces available with standard (110 V, 15 A) power, if needed.

     Wireless internet access is available throughout The Graduate Center.

     Two complimentary meeting registrations, that includes technical symposia and boxed-lunches.

     Meeting attendees’ contact information.

     Logo with a 50 word-description of your organization along with a link to your company website on the MARM 2020 website at www.marm2020.org.

     Register before March 1, 2020 to receive the Early Bird Discount Rate, and register by April 15, 2020 to ensure full benefits. Returning MARM exhibitors receive additional 15% discount if they register before March 1, 2020. Exhibit space and power are limited, and spaces will be reserved on a first come-first serve basis. Please see the attached exhibitor application form. 

      The application form is available here and payments may be made using PayPal. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to your sponsorship and seeing you at MARM 2020. 

Dr. Ping Furlan                                         Dr. Yosra Badiei
Professor of Chemistry                          Assistant Professor of Chemistry
U. S. Merchant Marine Academy          Saint Peter’s University
Kings Point, NY 11024                            Jersey City, NJ 07306
516 726-5783                                           201 761-6442
furlanp@usmma.edu                     ybadiei@saintpeters.edu

We hope that you will be able to participate in MARM 2020 and look forward to seeing you there. 

Exposition & Sponsorship Inquiries
The MARM 2020 Exposition and Sponsorship Co-Chairs are:
Ping Furlan, US Merchant Marine Academy
Yosra Badiei, St. Peter’s University